Much is happening along the trail. Document your journey by creating a film strip video diary. This is out of paper of course, but it will help you brainstorm your movie ideas. Follow these directions:
- Create six illustrations that detail major events from the journey of your family traveling west by wagon train. Use your imagination and fates traveled so far to help.
- Event One: The first day of the journey (include the reason for traveling west and who is on the journey)
- Event Two: The happiest day of the journey so far
- Event Three: The saddest day of the journey
- Event Four: The hardest day of the journey
- Event Five: A major sight or landform seen on the journey
- Event Six: The final day of the journey (including the name of your final destination)
2. Cut out and put together the video camera. Use tagboard to make it sturdy. Make sure to glue the template on the board.
3. Cut out and put the strips together. Thread the strip through the camera.